



Dr. 咀嚼

L. 小周志强.小组,.D., HSPP

Dr. 咀嚼 received his doctorate from the Virginia Consortium Program in Clinical Psychology after completing undergraduate work at Jamestown College.  bc菠菜导航(ISU)之前, he worked for 2 years testing 孩子们 and adolescents for learning and emotional disabilities in Washington, D.C..  He began at the ISU Student 咨询中心 in 2002 and became Director 2007.  除了担任董事之外, 他协调物质规划, 临床培训主任在他的中心吗, 并负责执行卓越绩效计划.  在2009年至2016年期间. 周负责国际苏联的大部分医疗服务, 协助学生事务行为评估小组, 并担任该大学的HIPPA合规官.  2014年秋天, 他被授予国际滑联大学奖章, ISU最高级别的教师/员工认可是什么. 

他的bc菠菜导航兴趣包括运动员咨询, 性能增强, 毒品和酒精问题, 多元文化咨询, 促进bc菠菜导航和个人发展培训, 以及拓展项目. 他从2002年1月开始在ISU工作

国际滑联之外, he frequently presents or facilitates programs on topics related to diversity and the mental health issues of student-athletes.  Dr. 咀嚼 was among the first 集团 of psychologists brought together by the NCAA in 2005 to discuss the mental health issues of student-athletes; and that meeting subsequently became the Big Sky Sport Psychology Retreat.  He was part of the 2013 NCAA Mental Health Task Force and the 2017 Mental Health Task Force 2.0; and in 2020, he was part of the NCAA’s Diverse Student-Athlete Mental Health Summit as both a participant and member of the planning committee.  作为他在精神健康特别工作组工作的延续, 他在《bc菠菜导航》中写了一章, Body and Sport:  Understanding and Supporting Student-Athlete Mental 健康” and contributed to the Best Practices document. 



翠丝特吉本斯 is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and she became the 副主任 of the SCC the summer of 2011.  Trista acts as the primary supervisor of the master’s level counseling interns, she supervises the management of the front office and she coordinates our clinical services.  She has a Masters degree in counseling psychology from the Alfred Adler 研究生 School in Minnesota, 并获得St. 明尼苏达州的奥拉夫学院.  Trista has experience and training in working with survivors of sexual violence, 童年和家庭创伤, 以及关系问题. Her professional experience prior to working at ISU includes; coordinating and implementing direct services at the Sexual Violence Center in Minneapolis MN and working with 孩子们 and 家庭 at Hamilton Center community mental health. 她的bc菠菜导航兴趣包括妇女问题, ”+问题, 创伤, 关系和夫妻咨询, 基督教辅导, 和性暴力的幸存者一起工作. 



Kathy Boone Ginter博士.D., LMHC
Dr. 金特获得了博士学位.D. 重点是运动心理学, 运动学习, 咨询, 田纳西大学的心理学教授, 诺克斯维尔. She has a Master's degree 重点是运动心理学 and 咨询 from Purdue University and a Master's degree in coaching, 咨询证书, and a bachelor's degree in Physical Education and Psychology from bc菠菜导航.  She is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and a Certified Consultant with My Steady Mind. 她的bc菠菜导航经验还包括教学和教练. Dr. Ginter专门研究生物反馈, 此种疗法, 性能增强, 关注行为, 悲伤和失落. 她把业余时间用来打竞技台球.


奥斯汀·郭里,m.s.S., LMHCA
Austin is an LMHCA working to full licensure and is a 员工顾问 at the SCC. He earned his Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health 咨询 from bc菠菜导航 and his Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Communications from Purdue University. His professional experience includes working with at-risk adolescents in a residential setting, 大学生, 和成人. 他的临床兴趣包括焦虑, 抑郁症, 创伤, 愤怒管理, 男性心理健康, 以及源于性别规范的问题. He uses an integrative approach by using evidence-based practices that are best suited for the client’s needs. 他的方法是基于以人为本/人本主义理论. Austin is passionate about 男性心理健康 and challenging gender norms that can cause harm. He runs a men’s 集团 at the SCC and connects with other organizations on campus such as 校园 Ministries and SGA.  他喜欢与妻子、女儿和他们的小猎犬Lyrix共度时光.  他还利用空闲时间在体育中心锻炼, 呆在户外, 与朋友共度时光, 谈论任何与星球大战或漫威有关的事情. 


Regina Walker M.S., LMHCA

Regina received her BS in Human Development and Family Studies from bc菠菜导航 in 2019, then completed her MS in Clinical Mental Health 咨询 also from bc菠菜导航 in 2021. 她在成人工作方面有bc菠菜导航经验和训练, 夫妻, 孩子们, 家庭, 少数民族人口. 她的bc菠菜导航经验包括处理焦虑, 抑郁症, 沟通问题, 创伤, 性别认同, 关系问题, 以及冲动行为. Regina的bc菠菜导航兴趣包括人际关系, 家庭动力学, 多元文化咨询, 伴随着个人的成长和发展. 她喜欢花时间和家人在一起,看电影和旅游.

特蕾娜·维特坎普,m.s.S., LMHCA

Terena earned her Bachelor's degree in Psychology in 2020 and Master's degree in Clinical Mental Health 咨询 in 2022 from bc菠菜导航. 她的bc菠菜导航经验包括照顾孩子, 新兴的成年人, 老年人, 还有来自不同背景的大学生. 她的bc菠菜导航兴趣包括处理创伤, 焦虑, 抑郁症, 注意力缺陷多动症, 个人成长与发展, 沟通问题, 正念, 和人际关系. 

工作之余,Terena喜欢和她的朋友、家人和猫在一起! She also enjoys leisure activities such as video games, arts and crafts, and watching shows/movies.


crystal Billingsley, MA, LMHC
Krystal earned her Bachelor’s degree in Psychological Science in 2013 and Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health 咨询 in 2015, 他们都来自波尔州立大学. 在她出勤的时候, Krystal has worked with a diverse population of clients including people of all ages and various cultural backgrounds in multiple levels of the mental health system and has experience with individual, 集团, 家庭治疗. 她感兴趣的领域包括饮食失调, 身体形象, 自尊, 创伤, 的关系, 焦虑, 抑郁症, 以及调整问题.  克里斯托采用折衷的治疗方法, utilizing several evidence-based practices in order to find what the best fit is for each client. 她努力创造一个保险箱, 放松, and comfortable environment where clients can be challenged to take steps to meet their goals and embrace change. When not at work, Krystal enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and dog. 她喜欢音乐、动物和所有迪士尼的东西.



Theresa earned her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from bc菠菜导航 in Dec. 2017, designing a unique Senior Research Proposal involving the use of handwriting analysis to detect 注意力缺陷多动症 in 孩子们’s handwriting. 她管理我们的前端办公室, 所有行政操作, 和我们的精神科医生密切合作. 我在加拉加斯长大, 委内瑞拉, Theresa is fluent in Spanish and has worked with many affinity 集团s on campus for both students and staff/faculty since arriving in 2006. 在ISU工作之前, Theresa served for more than 20 years as an on-call Spanish Interpreter for local courts and law enforcement. Her experience as a business owner led her to her current part-time position as a Business Advisor with the West Central Indiana Small Business Development Center at the 斯科特商学院. 特蕾莎是跆拳道黑带, 认证草书教练, 笔迹分析员, 喜欢肌肉车, 举重, 技术, 和拉丁音乐. ' ' Ella habla español ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '!












217 North 6th
2nd 吉勒姆大厅一楼
Terre Haute, IN 47809


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